Thursday, August 18, 2011


Who can name that movie?  I use that Steve Carell (hint hint) quote for this post because I have to agree with him, I LOVE LAMP!  Not all lamps though.  When Mike first moved in to our house, he had to make do with any lamp with the price tag of "free."  Especially since our main living room has no ceiling light.  Dark much?  So, when we were registering for our wedding, we decided to register for some lamps.  We came across a wonderful lamp that we both loved so we asked for three.  We got them all :)  Here's what they do for our house:

This is the black lamp in our bedroom.  
As you can see, it's bright.

There are three shelves on this lamp (one on the floor).
So here is our unity sand.
And my Bible.

Looks really good next to our bed!

Here is the brown version in our living room.
It was fun to decorate and looks super nice.

Here are all three shelves.

Even when it's off, it looks really nice.

Here is what the majority of our lamps look like.
Ornate. Gold. Two word that definitely do not describe the rest of my house decor.

 Here's the third lamp.  Yep, we got all three.  This one is also brown.
Love the pull down chain to turn on/off the lamp.
We display our three Vintage Library board games on this lamp.



From the side they look like books! Love.

Since we're talking about lamps, here's another fave.
This was the lamp in my college dorm.  And both apartments.  And now my house.
It gives off SOOOO much light.  And I love lamp light.
Plus, it's just funky and fun.

So, you see, I truly love lamp(s).  By the way, Thursday is almost over.  Happy Friday!!  Next up: dining room :)

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