Sunday, October 9, 2011

And I'm back.

Well, as you can see, my last post was the Friday before student teaching started.  For any of you teachers out there, I'm sure you can understand the toll that student teaching can take.  I am a new wife, a new mommy to our kitten, Peanut, and a student teacher.  Those are definitely time consuming roles.  So now that I have a three day weekend where I can breathe a sigh of relief...I thought I would share some of my funniest moments in the kindergarten classroom.

For the privacy rights of the students in my classroom, all names have been shortened to their initials.

H.L. whispers into K.D.'s ear.
"Stop, please.  I just don't like your breath." - K.D.

"Mrs. Strunga.  I really like your outfit today.  You must be a model or something!" - K.W.

A.F. had an accident during lunch.  We gave him a pair of pants and a cutoff t-shirt to change into.  After spending a while in the restroom we decided to check on him.  He had put his legs through the armholes of the shirt and was proceeding to try to put his arms through the pantlegs.

During calendar time, I asked the students what day it was.  One correctly answered "Monday."  K.K. did not think it was Monday and began this conversation:
"No, Mrs. Strunga.  Today is not Monday." - K.K.
"Yes, K.K., today is Monday." -me
While beginning to tear up, "No.  It's not Monday.  My daddy said it wasn't Monday." - K.K.
"Well, remember we just had two days off from school called the weekend.  Those days were Saturday and Sunday.  Now we are back to school.  Remember, our first day of the school week is called Monday." -me
Now bawling, "NO!  It's NOT Monday!!!! It's not.  I know it's not!" - K.K.
At this point, I was awe struck.  Thankfully, my Cooperating Teacher called this little girl over to her desk to show her yet another calendar and talk about the fact that the day was, in fact, Monday.

I was calling students by colors of their shirts to get their book boxes and begin our Daily 5.  One girl, H.E., began to cry and say that I didn't call her.  I told her, yes, I did call several of the colors she was wearing.  To this she said:
"BUT YOU DIDN'T SAY DRESS!!! YOU ONLY SAID SHIRTS!!!" After this, she was full on bawling her eyes out.
"I'm so sorry H.E., I made a mistake.  Did you know teachers can make mistakes sometimes?  Next time I will be sure to call all kinds of clothing.  Can you forgive me?" - me
"NO!" - H.E.
Oh the kindergarten compassion...

The same little girl who did NOT think it was Monday had another funny moment.  I thought I heard my name being called from the bathroom which usually means that a student is stuck in the bathroom and cannot open the door.  I asked another little girl who sits close to the door to help open the door.  She quickly shut it and went back to her seat.  Thinking this was super weird, I headed over to the bathroom to check for myself.  I found K.K. bawling her eyes out sitting on the toilet.  "There's no more toilet paper, Mrs. Strunga!!!!"  I smiled and went and got her some more T.P.--essential to the bathroom.

During our apple unit, I passed out a cracker to each student with some apple butter on it for them to try. When I handed K.D. his he responded, "I'm so scared!"

I'm sure there are even more stories I can't think of right off the top of my head.  As more stories happen or as I remember more, I will definitely come here and post them!

I also have some more recipes to share and will be sharing more pictures of my attempts to decorate!

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