Friday, August 5, 2011

Totes galore!

Seeing as this blog is named "The Teacher Tote," I thought I should share some of my favorite totes.  Yep, plural.  How can a teacher have just one?!  It's kind of like shoes and purses to most girls.  Shoot...I love purses and shoes, too! Well, it's a staple for any teacher.  And any professional woman, really.  Who wants a briefcase?  So here are some of my faves.

The Usual Suspects...get it?  It's a lineup.  Bahahaha.
Also, that's a good movie.

A must-have tote is a tote adorning some sort of teacher quote.
I mean really, does it get better than this?

 The prized red Wilson Leather & the newest addition from My Thirty-One.

Ah. The sweetest tote. Quilted by my mom. So much love.

AND she made a pencil bag.  Well actually three, only one pictured!

So much room.  Multiple notebooks, folders, and children's books.
So deep that there's never any spillage.
Also deep inside pockets so pencils don't get lost into the abyss.

The first teacher tote I owned.  Purchased from Wilson's Leather on major sale!
Is Wilson's Leather even around anymore?
And it's red. I'm such a red girl, for real.

Nice front pockets.

Ah, this can hold multiple textbooks.
And there is lots of room to spare.

The newbie. I might really be loving Thirty-One.
Three front pockets, two back pockets.

Good inside space.

From my tote to yours, Happy Friday!


  1. Yeah, if I carried a tote with a cheesy teacher quote on it, I'd never live it down with my students. haha

  2. I wore red and black today in honor of you, Mrs. Strunga :) love you and this blog!
