Since starting this blog I've had two...yep TWO different teaching jobs. Which just didn't leave me much time to blog about recipes, my home, my life, or really my job. So I went ahead and put this blog on the shelf and let it get dusty (metaphorically). So I'm dusting it off, again metaphorically, and going to try to share some happenings of the Strunga life...and mostly the Strunga classroom.
Last year I spent hours upon hours stalking the blogs of much better and much more seasoned teachers while they shared pictures of their classrooms and highlights of what they were doing. I also spent too much of my tiny little paycheck on their products on Teachers Pay Teachers so my students didn't feel quite as left out and didn't leave my classroom knowing nothing. Sorry class of 2024...I hope I didn't scar you forever! But I mean...we had Grinch punch! We did Class Dojo! And we made ice cream in a bag! So, like, that's good enough, right? No one puked in my room. No broken bones. No potty pants. I did have a huge outbreak of strep throat. Four students are missing from my group photo in the yearbook...and I only had 17 students to begin there's that.
Anyway, I also had a huge milestone. I sold my first product on TPT. Yes, it sold for $1.00 folks. I had a deposit of $.30 directly into my bank account. WHADDDDUPPPPP!!!! Royalty checks baby!
On May 19 I also crossed over into the dark side of Grad School. I am working on becoming a Reading Specialist as we speak through Olivet Nazarene. It's all online and two of the loveliest kindergarten teachers Catlin Grade School has to offer are doing it alongside me. So hasn't been too bad. I only had like four breakdowns the last week of school and cried at work twice on the last Friday. Perfectly normal....
And now...for the picture dump! Yay!
This was what I walked into the first day I got my key to my classroom. I wish I would've aimed my phone a little higher and captured what was awaiting me on the shelves. I threw away a lot and breathed in a lot of dust. But it was my very own classroom and I have not loved a dusty room so much in my life.
Here's the same room after some TLC.
It's funny to look through these pictures now because so much changed from August to May. In your first year as a teacher you adjust so much from what looks cute on pinterest to what works in real life. Also, from what seemed to fit when you're setting up a classroom with no kids to what actually fits when your classroom is full of kids. But by June 3...the last day...I really knew how I wanted my room layout to work!
See this cute little bulletin I added to the back of the coat closet? You'll see how that worked out a little later...
This was the best thing I ever did in my first year of teaching. Mailboxes are a tough thing to figure out. If I wanted the typical set of mailboxes I was going to have to purchase my own...and I was already buying a ton of stuff for my classroom. I am lucky my birthday falls at the end of July...because all my birthday money was spent on all things polka dot. I found this awesome idea on this blog:
I tweaked it a little. In the mornings, my students turn in their homework here, and I immediately know who has and hasn't turned it in. But the rest of the day, these serve as their mailboxes! At the end of the day, they get cleaned out! These take up literally NO space, and they make my coat closets look better! AMAZING. These are called "filetastiks" and you can buy them from Mardel. I made my own numbers and used spray adhesive to glue them on.
Thanks IKEA for my beautiful rugs!
I have my own set of filetastiks by my desk for files.
My super cute stool from TJ Maxx!
Polka dot drawers from Big Lots!
And here's what happened to my cute little bulletin board. We nailed it back up which held for most of the year. But even then, the cork was tearing under the weight. I couldn't stand it. So I tore it all down and bought another set of filetastiks in red. This solved another problem I came up against in my first year...unfinished work. How do I track it...? I didn't want to have to constantly stay on top of work that had been turned in. I didn't want to have to check folders in desks. I did not have a good system. Some of my kiddos were too sneaky for their own good. Pieces that they had cut out would get lost. It was something I could not get a good system for. Enter red filetastiks. If students did not finish a worksheet, a craft, their morning work, went into their "red pocket" as we called them. The pocket allowed for all loose pieces to not get lost. It also allowed me to INSTANTLY see which students had unfinished work that needed to get done during recess. The Hallelujah chorus was on full blast the day those were hung...
My mom and brother blessed my classroom big time when they donated their old notebook computers! They each have iPads now and were rarely using these! My kiddos were SO thankful! If any of the rest of you out there have any of these just laying around...I will GLADLY take them off your hands!!!!!
Ya know...this is why my profession...even with Common Core...even with lousy paychecks...even with the crap that comes out in the media...blah blah hands down the BEST JOB IN THE WORLD! Because I come in to my classroom and get handed a piece of paper inside another piece of paper that has been folded 100 times and it says this:
to Mrs Struga
you are the best teacher in the world
nothing can go rong with you because you're sweet and kind and have a sweet mom
you are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Side note: I do have a sweet mom. She came into my room throughout the year and my kids absolutely fell in love with Mrs. Sanders. Who wouldn't?
Bolt made an appearance this year! He was mischievous and awesome. We loved him.
I'll leave you with this. There were days in teaching I wanted to pull my hair out. There were days I was the last to leave the building...lots of them. I worked a lot of Sundays. I was stressed. The first year is rough. But I'm guessing I'll overwork myself again next year...especially being in grad school. I logged on to facebook many times to wish I hadn't. Negative talk about teachers and our schools dominate social media from August-June. Parents wouldn't return my calls when I really needed them to. I sometimes felt like I failed my kids. I often felt like my kids failed me. But there are so many days when my kids made me smile so big. Kids can absolutely light up a room like no one else can. I laughed out loud so hard so many times. Just yesterday I looked at Mike and said...oh no...some of my favorite students are not going to be in my class next year. I was so focused on getting some of my tough kiddos on to third grade I forgot that I will really be missing some of those kids who day in and day out made my first year a great one. Grading tests is one of those things that you don't really love to do as a teacher but you need to do. Spelling in second grade is still a little iffy...even when words are right there on the page. I nearly missed this little gem but it will go down in history as one of my favorites!
That's right...those farter penguins work hard!
Mrs. Strunga :)