All of this showed up! How amazing. I spent a few HOURS looking through all of the classroom management ideas! When you click on one thing it will look like this...
Now there are all kinds of options! I can click the pinner's name to see all of her boards/pins. I can click through the thumbnails on the side to see the rest of her pins in this board. OR, I can click the large picture to link to the original website! If I want to pin this, I click repin then pick a board like so...
So awesome. Here's a look at all of my boards...
As you can see, there is a little bit of everything on pinterest. I don't even come close to having as many boards as many other pinners do! You can see that I'm following people as well as being followed. That means when I log in to pinterest, I see what everyone I'm following is pinning! I'm seriously in love with this website and all that I've found!
To join pinterest, you need to be invited. If you are not on need to be! More addictive than Facebook and also more productive!!! And if you are a teacher, you need to sign up RIGHT NOW!!! Leave your email in a comment if you are not signed up and I will send you an invite email!
Happy pinning :)